Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tales from the dark side (adoption groups)

The wonderful folks at Greyhound Pets, Inc are responsible for hauling my Daisy out to Washington state for adoption. I am impressed by their love of what they do. Recently a member shared an article written by GPI's founder, John Hern. It talks about how some run "adoption groups" as a business and cherry pick their greyhounds; only taking in the young, pretty and uninjured. I had no idea, but it doesn't surprise me. Here is the excerpt:

"There are differences between Greyhound Pets, as a rescue organization, and
"adoption" groups that I have seen over the years. When the track was open
in Coeur d'Alene, as many as three or four groups were taking dogs for
adoption. Many times the available dogs would be "picked over" for young,
pretty females, leaving older dogs and brindles or blacks, or injured dogs,
waiting for homes. Greyhound Pets always took dogs on a first-come
first-serve basis. Our statistics during the final years of the track were
60% older males, while some of the other groups were taking 80% young
females. Did this make it harder for us to find homes? Of course! But, you
know what? A few years later, after the other groups without our dedication
to the dogs had ceased operation, we were finding homes for those same
pretty young females, though of course, they were now older. Greyhound Pets
does not care where a Greyhound came from, we are here to help everyone we
can, young and pretty - or old and blind. We are even re-placing dogs from
another now defunct group on the coast. During their time of operation, they
were very vocal critics of our operations. Greyhound Pets has been one of
the most successful Greyhound organizations because we do not "pick" the
dogs we help. We help everyone we can. We do not get involved in political
issues, but concentrate on the dogs. We avoid personality matters and remind
our volunteers that we are here for the dogs, and no other reason."

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