Monday, May 31, 2010

Greyhound Gangs

There is something enduring about how greyhounds automatically flock together when they are in each others' company. I recently drove Miss Daisy to a greyhound meetup at a dog park. We came late so there were only a few left roaming around. Sure enough, as soon as they spotted Daisy all of them quickly came trotting up. They were so cute with their muzzles on, eager to check out the "new girl." Before I could even get Daisy through the second gate, all four greyhounds had swarmed around sniffing her excitedly. All the non-greyhound dog owners stopped and watched in awe as this happened. Not sure if they understood what all the fuss was about, but the other greyhound owners knew and weren't surprised one bit. Daisy was a little scared at first but took everything in stride. She soon felt comfortable enough to hang out and follow the other hounds around the park for a bit. We will definitely be back to this weekly meetup.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

"Finally! Someone that looks like me!"

Last weekend, Daisy got her first canine visitor. When she saw that there was another greyhound in the house she practically ran down the stairs to greet him. A good friend came over with her handsome dog, Dash. He made himself right at home and showed Daisy how easy hardwood stairs could be. Daisy did one round up/down but then decided that was enough. (See previous post). Dash's mom brought a wonderful care package for Daisy. Canned pumpkin, Adopting the Racing Greyhound, a beautiful black/silver patterned martingale collar and a soft flannel jacket for those cold morning walks. How lucky we are to have such a thoughtful friend!

"Where the heck am I?!"

It has been a little over a week since Daisy came home and she is doing very well. Her adjustment to mirrors and windows were not a big deal. However, slippery hardwood floors are still a little tricky—when she gets excited she tends to slip and her limbs start flailing like octopus arms. Daisy's biggest obstacle has been the stairs. There are two sets in the home. The carpeted stairs took a little coaxing but she conquered them within an hour. However, the second set was an entirely different story. They were hardwood and a bit slippery. Daisy refused to use them even after carpet was installed. With some more patience and coaxing (and treats!) she did eventually get over her fear and darted up the stairs to be with me. It was such a huge relief and a big milestone for her! Previously, she got very anxious whenever I went upstairs. Now she has no excuse not to join me.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Doggy Cow?

Went out to the greyhound kennel today and chose my new furry friend. Actually, she seemed to choose me too as she responded well and wasn't shy around me. "Margo to Win" is a two year old, black and white dog who has never raced. Margo is very calm for her age and loved to explore when we were outside. She also liked my gold Coach purse, so she's got style. Very easy to walk and seemed to tolerate my awkward inexperience with dogs well. I am so excited to bring her home later in the week!

As a nod to her black and white cow coloring, Margo will now be known as "Daisy". Hey, it beats naming her Buttercup.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

From Oklahoma Racetrack to Urban Home

Rescue a greyhound from imminent death!! This was the message I got from a casual meet and greet at the local Petco. Well, not really. But I did fall in love with this gentle, sweet breed of dog. I was hooked and wanted to adopt my very own retired racer. Experience with me the challenges of helping a racing dog transition to a household environment and become a beloved pet. In my lifetime, I have only raised cats and have had minimal exposure to dogs. This should be interesting, for me AND the dog...