Sunday, October 24, 2010

Greyhound Fashion Show

Raincoat and snood
I used to balk at the idea of dressing up a large dog in clothing. Won't it look silly? Little outfits that might look weirdly cute on a lapdog would look wrong on a 60 lb dog. But once I learned that it is a necessity for this low body fat, thin coated breed my prejudices relented. I excitedly shop for vendors who will make cool raincoats, jammies and loungewear for my dog! It's almost like guilt free clothes shopping. "Oh, it's not for me, it's for my dear cold greyhound."

Yeh. So far I have had a good raincoat and polar fleece fall/winter coat custom made for Daisy. They have become staples in her wardrobe. Also, our dear fellow greyhound owner gave us her grey fleece greyhound light jacket that no longer fits Dash. (One of D's friends). Daisy has worn that to bed on a few of these colder fall nights.

All greyhound coat wardrobes should include a good thick polar fleece coat for those cold fall/winter walks. I ordered one made from Sewing Cats and Dogs. It is reversible fleece with an embroidered greyhound on it. I chose dark blue and light pink for the colors.

Reversible fleece coat: pink side
Dark blue side

This upcoming winter is supposed to be a cold, wet La Nina winter. Probably snow. So I want to be prepared. Daisy doesn't do well with having blankets thrown on her at night. She usually gets up several times a night to reposition so a blanket just gets bunched up on her bedding. Solution: PJs. There are quite a few styles available, 2-legged, 4 legged, robe-type. I opted for the simple wrap around robe type. Check out the pattern! Yes, Daisy is her mother's daughter. I love pink & crowns ala Juicy Couture. That should arrive in about two weeks.

Diva print for PJs
It has been fun to look for these greyhound fashions online. (What would life be like without the Internet?!) My dog has custom made clothing yet I have to buy "off the rack." Sigh.


  1. Oh, I had that same reality check years ago! My hounds dress much better than I do! Not only that, they're much more popular than I am!

    I love her outfits! What a cutie she is!

  2. Hm, Dash may need a new coat! That reversible one looks just great on Daisy!

  3. Ellie the Beagle says she LOVES your wardrobe. Where did you find your coat? We may send one to Auntie Greyhound for her gotcha day.
